An expanded list of the Deck Of Many Things mapped unto the official Tarokka card deck.
Card | Effect |
Abjurer | You achieve goals that are unreachable to others. Choose one of your attributes. Its score is increased by 2. You may increase your score above 20, but not above 24 in this manner. |
Anarchist | Anarchists know no lords and follow their own mind and rules, wherever those may come from. Your alignment fully inverts, both in the good-evil and lawful-chaotic axes. Only neutral remains neutral. |
Artifact | You summon an Avatar of Death. The Avatar appears within 10 feet and attacks instantly. The Avatar warns everybody that his quarrel is with you alone. The Avatar while fight to the death of either you or him. If anybody attempts to help you, double the current number of Avatars appear and attack the helper. A creature by an Avatar of Death in this manner cannot be revived by anything but a Wish spell.| |
Avenger | An intelligent, sentient weapon of a type you are proficient with appears in your hand. The weapon swears allegiance to you, as long as you swear in return to avenge its former wielder. |
Beast | A magical creature appears out of nothing and devours, before you can react, all even remotely magical items in your possession. These items are not destroyed, but, for now, no longer available to you. (In my homebrew, this Creature is the Avatar/Aspect of Greed, which could in theory be hunted by the players) |
Beggar | If you are of Medium or bigger size, your size is reduced by one category. Your strength score is reduced by 2. On the other hand, you gain advantage when you are asking others for help. |
Berserker | You become the personification of a siege weapon. When dealing blunt or force damage to objects, including walls, doors and gates, your total damage is doubled. You can cast the spell “Shatter” without material components at will once per long rest. |
Bishop | At any point within the next year, you may ask a single question while being in a deep meditation. This answer will question in full truth. In extension to the mere information in form of words, you will also receive the full understanding of its meaning and how to apply the knowledge. |
Carrion | You are cursed until all eternity. You may only be cured by the “Destiny” card of the very same deck you pulled this card from. The spell “Contagion” is cast on you with a DC of 18. Every 1d6 days after being targeted as part of this card, you are again the target of the spell. If you are the subject of a disease of as part of the “Contagion” spell, roll another 1d6 to determine the disease. |
Charity | You are in the gods’ favour. Your lowest attribute scored is increased to match your second lowest attribute score. If you do not have a single lowest ability score, all your lowest ability scores are increase by 1. |
Charlatan | You are branded a heretical charlatan - and most of the gods despise those. Once per long rest, the first natural 20 per day must be rerolled. This effect may onle be removed by a “Wish” spell or the “Destiny” card of the very same deck you pulled this card from. |
Conjurer | You are summoned to a random plane by a conjurer accidentally. |
Darklord | Destiny takes an unexpected turn for you. You become proficient in Persuasion. If you already are proficient, you gain expertise in persuasion. However, you feel like this ability comes at a yet unknown, dark price… |
Dictator | For some obscure reason, you become a random lord’s of hell arch enemy. He desires your death at any cost. |
Diviner | You receive a spark of pure, divine power. You receive 1d4 “Wish” spells, to be cast at any time at will. |
Donjon | You disappear from this plane of existence and reappear in another plane, but frozen in place without conscience. Every equipment on you gets frozen as you are. |
Druid | You are fillede with the wisdom of powerful ancient druids. Your wisdom is increase by 1d4. At the same time, your physical strength is weighed down by the ancient age of the druids, and all your physical scores are decreased by half of the same value, rounded down. |
Elementalist | You gain the ability to cast a single spell from the Sorcerer or Wizard spell lists that would (and can only) deal fire, cold, or lightning damage once per long rest. You may only choose a spell you may choose as if you had your total amount of levels in any class in either the Sorcerer or Wizard class without additional spells available to specific sub classes. The level of a spell cast in this level is always the highest spell level available to a Wizard or Sorcerer of the same rules. |
Enchanter | Choose a mundane, non-magical item in your posession. Roll 1d4. The chosen item now becomes imbued with magical powers of the following rarity: 1: Uncommon, 2: Rare, 3: Very Rare, 4: Legendary. The item, however, stays of the same type. |
Evoker | You learn to cast a cantrip of your choice. Its spellcasting ability is of your choice among your mental attributes. |
Executioner | This card is the herald of imminent danger. You lose a limb. Roll 1d10. The number rolled determines which limb is lost. See the lost limb table for additional details: 10: One Ear 9: One Finger 8-7: Left Foot 6-5: Right Foot 4-3: Off Hand 2: Main Hand 1: Head |
Ghost | You feel losing grip on your body and corporeal form. You suffer a permanent penalty of -2 to your AC. This can only be removed with a “Wish” spell or a “Destiny” card of the very same deck that you pulled this card from. |
Guild Member | You gain proficiency with a tool of your choice. From now on you are known and famous craftsman in your chosen profession, and any guilds or other organisations with at least some interest in the craft are highly interested in both hiring and helping you. |
Healer | Upon drawing this card, you instantly die. Then, the spell Reincarnation is instantly and succesfully cast on you. |
Horseman | A rideable creature of your choice appears next to you. It is undeniably loyal to you. Should the creature perish, it will re-appear within 1d100 days. The type of creature depends on your alignment: Good = Pegasus, Neutral = Griffon, Evil = Peryton |
Innocent | A random NPC of the DM’s choice you have met before becomes unconditionally and fiercely loyal to you. This NPC will try everything in its power to support you, as long as it does not come at the cost of its own well-being. |
Marionette | You have to draw two additional cards. You draw these as if you had originally called out that you draw those two, too. |
Mercenary | Undertaking unusual and possibly dangerous assignments is your specialty. When you negotiate payment to serve as a sell-sword or when hired for a dangerous task you gain advantage on Charisma (persuasion) attempts to haggle for better pay. |
Miser | All magic items in your possession instantly disintegrate or disappear as per the Talons card, however you are compensated by the gods with 1,000 platinum pieces (worth 10g each) which appear at your feet per magical item consumed. |
Missionary | Your mind undergoes spontaneous growth, and you feel yourself becoming more intelligent, but at the cost of your physical strength. Roll 1d4. Add the number to your Intelligence score, and subtract the same amount from your Strength score. |
Mists | This black card spells disaster. Your soul is drawn from your body and contained in an object in a place of the GM’s choice. One or more powerful beings guard the place. While your soul is trapped in this way, your body is incapacitated. A wish spell can’t restore your soul, but the spell reveals the location of the object that holds it. You draw no more cards. |
Monk | Permanently reduce your Intelligence by 1d4 + 1 (to a minimum score of 1). You may draw one additional card beyond your declared draws. |
Myrmidon | You feel great strength coursing through you, but at the expense of your mind. Roll 1d4 and add that much to your strength score. Subtract the same amount from your Intelligence score. |
Necromancer | You gain the ability to cast Animate Dead once per short rest with a casting time of one action. However, you can only assert control over one creature at a time using this feature. |
Paladin | You gain the service of a 4th level fighter who appears in a space you choose within 30 feet of you. The fighter is of the same race as you and serves you loyally until death, believing the fates have drawn him or her to you. You control this character. |
Philanthropist | Twenty five pieces of jewelry worth 2,000 gp each or fifty gems worth 1,000 gp each appear at your feet. |
Priest | You become gently touched by the divine. You gain an innate spellcasting feature that allows you to cast either Cure Wounds and Healing Word at first level once per long rest. |
Raven | You sprout wings and gain a fly speed of 40 feet as long as you are not wearing medium or heavy armor. |
Rogue | A nonplayer character of the GM’s choice becomes hostile toward you. The identity of your new enemy isn’t known until the NPC or someone else reveals it. Nothing less than a wish spell or divine intervention can end the NPC’s hostility toward you. |
Seer | The card’s horrific visage curses you. You take a −2 penalty on saving throws while cursed in this way. Only a “Wish” spell or the magic of The Fates card of any deck can end this curse. |
Shepherd | You gain a unique Mass Enchantment ability that you can use once per long rest. As an action you choose as many humanoids as you as you can see within 120 feet. Each target must succeed a DC15 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for 24 hours. While charmed a target regards you as a close friend and confidant. Any targets that are hostile towards you or your allies, or have a CR that is greater than 1/3 of your character level (rounded down) automatically succeed on this saving throw. |
Soldier | You learn one Maneuver from the Battlemaster subclass and you gain two d8 superiority dice to use with it (these dice do not scale with level unless you gain a level of Battlemaster). If you have the Battlemaster’s ‘Combat Superiority’ feature at the time this card is drawn, you gain three superiority dice instead of two. |
Swashbuckler | You feel yourself growing nimbler and more agile, but at the cost of your wisdom. Roll 1d4 and add that much to your Dexterity score. Subtract the same amount from your Wisdom score. |
Tax Collector | Somehow it seems like just about everyone is indebted to you. You may attempt to convince any non-hostile NPC that they actually owe you money by making a Charisma (deception) check at disadvantage against a DC of 10 + the NPC’s CR. If you succeed you are paid in gold pieces equal to 1d20 + your player level. The DM may determine that a particular NPC may pay you with goods or services rather than cash. Also note that some characters may resent you for collecting on this “debt.” |
Tempter | You gain 10,000 XP, or you can draw two additional cards beyond your declared draws. |
The Broken One | All forms of wealth that you carry or own, other than magic items, are lost to you. Portable property vanishes. Businesses, buildings, and land you own are lost in a way that alters reality the least. Any documentation that proves you should own something lost to this card also disappears. |
The Hooded One | You gain Superior Darkvision. You have darkvision to a range of 120 feet. You also gain Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. |
Thief | You feel your steps become lighter, making moving easier. Your normal walking movement speed increases by 15. |
Torturer | You gain a tough exterior and more hardy body, but at the cost of your charisma. Roll 1d4 and add that much to your Constitution score. Subtract the same amount from your Charisma score. |
Trader | You lose all forms of wealth as per the Ruin card, however you are compensated by the gods with a magical item that appears at your feet and one innate spellcasting feature of the DM’s choice. |
Traitor | Somewhere in the world, an exact duplicate of you appears. It has the same appearance, equipment, and knowledge as you. The only difference is that its alignment is opposite yours. Lawful becomes chaotic, and good becomes evil, or vice-versa. |
Transmuter | You instantly age by 2d10 years, taking the same amount as phychic damage. You then have advantage on all skill checks that you and proficient in, and disadvantage in all others. A god, a wish spell or the Fates card can reverse this effect. |
Warrior | If you single handedly defeat the next hostile monster or group of monsters you encounter, you gain experience points enough to gain one level. Otherwise, this card has no effect. |
Wizard | Reality’s fabric unravels and spins anew, allowing you to avoid or erase one event as if it never happened. You can use the card’s magic as soon as you draw the card or at any other time before you die. |