Craigs Instant Earthen Obstruction
4th Level Transmutation
Casting Time: reaction
Range 150ft
Components: V/S
Duration: Until destroyed or end of current turn
You pull out a block of earth and stone out of the ground,
putting it in the path of an attacker obstructing it’s intendet target.
Needs natural, unworked ground maximum 15ft beneath the chosen location.
Intercepts an incoming Spell or Attack for you and your companions within 10ft of you. Can block one effect per use.
If the barrier is created further away, for spells an arcana check has to be made, DC the intercepted Spell level +10.
For natural attack AC+5.
After the barrier blocked an effect or a missile, it is destroyed.
Magic Missile and spells/effects that ignore cover still hit the target.
If you block the Spell or Attack, any additional effect resolves at the chosen location.
(Druid, Wizard, Sorcerer [,Ranger])